Friday, October 21, 2011

[RE] Blog Post

 Natalie's post about blogging caught my attention because I feel the same way about it.
For my free post im going to write about how I truly and honestly do  not like writing posts on blogger. Its not that I don’t like blogger its self, I just don’t like typing and writing. The first thing I thought of when mr. sutherland said that we have to write posts was, im not gona do them. It takes up way to much of my time I don’t like it I could be doing other things, like homework for other classes. 
        Imagine you hate working out. Every day you drag yourself  to  the gym. You grumble as you hit the treadmill, you sweat your pants, your flab is jiggling and you think everyone is staring at you as you bench press 20 lbs while they all go for a hundred! That's exactly how I feel about writing!
       Writing is something I HATE doing.It is something I feel I am not really good at and blogging for everyone in my class to read is obviously something I don't want to do. When Mr.Sutherland told us we have to write 3 post every week, I'm like "Oh shit, I don't want to do it". It really takes up too much of my time because I often do not know what to write about or how to expand on the thoughts that I have already written down. I was really skeptical about blogging so I ended up not doing it for a couple of weeks until I realized that I HAVE to do it or else I would fail a class for the first time. After few weeks of blogging and reading other student's blog, I realized that it wasn't that bad.
     Now I see it as a way to improve my writing skills and a way to gain confidence in my writing ability.I learned that when you are writing you just have to be yourself and that would be hard to do if you are constantly trying to impress people. What I'm trying to say is don't be too self conscious and self critical when you are writing. Free yourself from the limitations of what people expect.

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