Tuesday, October 18, 2011

[CE] China Hit and Run Ignites Global Anger

          Yue Yue, 2, had wandered away from her mother in a busy Foshan market.In the footage, a white van is seen knocking her over. The driver stops before fleeing the scene, leaving Yue Yue injured and bleeding on
 the road.Following the incident, a man walks by, ignoring the two-year-old lying on the ground.No less than 
18 people walk, ride or drive past the injured girl.A rubbish collector finally raised the alarm several minutes later.Yue Yue was taken for emergency surgery but was later pronounced brain dead.Millions have left 
comments on blogs in China, with one user saying it was the day the superpower lost its humanity.Some however say it is evidence of a society too poor to help, frightened of what it would cost should they be blamed.Police have detained the two drivers involved.
           Hit and run happens everyday all over the world. But I can not believe what I just saw!  It is shocking how people did not even bother to help the poor toddler bleeding on the road.One person walking by doing nothing would be bad enough but 18?!?Where is the respect for human life? Where is the humanity?  UGHHHHHHH COLD BLOODED PEOPLE shame on you!!! I guess these people are too afraid to get involved but do we really want to live in fear that helping others will lead disaster for ourselves? TOO SELFISH! Well bless the woman who finally bothered to help the little girl. 
            I am sad not only because of what happened to the little girl. But it is really disturbing that a lot of people are posting such rude and ignorant comments about all Chinese people.
 "let's kill all the chinese, Nuke them, you chinese should all go die"
 "china people are cruel n no civilization..stupid Chinese!!!! i cant watch the video coz its unbelievable. stupid chinese....CHINESE PEOPL ARE JUST AS FAKE AS THEIR PRODUCTS ARE!!!!!!!! they ate pig a lot n that is why....what a shame about chinese people!!"
           This tragic event happened in China but people should stop the ignorant comments about all Chinese people without thinking that this happens all over the world.  Just stop making generalizations!

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