Saturday, October 15, 2011

[ME]Going for the Look

     Marshal Cohen, a senior industry analyst, argues that hiring based on looks is understandable and necessary in terms of business. Retailers seek out for people whose image THEY THINK will sell the clothes.
"Being able to find a brand enhancer ,or what I call a walking billboard, is critical. It is really important to create an environment that's enticing to the community, particularly with the younger, fashionable market. A guy wants to go hangout in a store where he can see a good-looking gals"
     What Marshall Cohen is saying in this article is that it is important for retailers to hire people that would promote the product they are selling.When the company is promoting a certain image, American look for example, they would hire someone who portrays the American image. Cohen is right in many ways in terms of business and marketing.Advertisement is a significant way to reach out to consumers.


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