Friday, September 9, 2011


Before I call it a day, here's a few thoughts that I'd like to share. :)
        Happiness does not exist on the other side of the world, not in the past or in the future. It is within you,yourself. The problems that we may come across might be hard to deal with but in the end, it is the sufferings that make us strive for happiness. We must understand that things go wrong but we should not fear it instead we should challenge ourselves and our weaknesses in order to become a better person. The sufferings we face in life can be compared to swimming in a river while the water flow moves towards you. For someone who is not trained properly, every meter will be filled with pain and sufferings. While for someone who is prepared, who is constantly training, it will be a thrilling journey;beautiful scenery always comes into sight.


1 comment:

  1. Well, what is happiness?
    It's actually a fairly recent concept. The word "happy" means "lucky," when we look at etymology.
    I once watched a show about an American family who went to live an Indian lifestyle for a few weeks.
    They were talking to a local tribeswoman. The root of her unhappiness was due to the suffering her people underwent because of "a hole in their stomachs," or a lack of food.
    The American responded, "Well, what about my suffering? It's different. I'm unhappy because of a hole in my heart."
    "A hole in your heart?" The woman asked, and laughed.
    "If your children are fed, is your heart not whole?"
