Friday, September 9, 2011

[F]Senioritis ALREADY?!

       Senioritis is a disease that strikes Seniors.It can hurt a high school student's chance getting into a college they wish to attend. It is contagious and it happens naturally like diarrhea.D: The symptoms are;  

  •   Skipping class a lot
  •   Excessive wearing of sweatpants
  •   Not making it home for curfew
  •   Incomplete assignments
  • "Ohhh, who studies for a math test anyways"
  •   Resenting taking hard classes
  •   Tardiness
  • I didn't do it either"
  •   Struggling to get up early 

 It's only been two weeks since school started but I am already so done, it's insane. I am one of those people who claim to have had 'senioritis' since junior year(well minor case).  I was actually planning to make this year better in regards to that, but apparently the plan fell into a huge sink hole.Today I realized that I am starting to slack off. I have worked hard for three years;studying for tests,completing projects and late nights doing homework. It is really tempting to just get through college applications and relax for the rest of the year before heading off to college,isn't it?(Wait! NO, I shouldn't) I should keep in mind that slacking off in school do more harm than good. Although your goal is in sight (graduating from high school and getting into college) school is not over yet and colleges are still paying attention to your senior year.( Many college application require you to list your senior courses including information about course levels) MAKE YOUR SENIOR YEAR COUNT! :)

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